







1. 水-能源-粮食纽带关系,国家杰出青年科学基金项目,在研,负责人

2. 珠江流域关键生源要素多介质溯源与协同管控,国家重点研发计划项目,在研,负责人

3. 水质风险成因与驱动机制,国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目任务,在研,负责人

4. 中国式现代化的广东水资源管理框架与路径研究,广东省水利厅水资源节约与保护专项资金项目,在研,负责人

5. 基于水环境承载力的流域水生态空间管控策略研究,中国工程院重点咨询研究项目课题,结题,负责人

6. 面向流域的水污染防治方法有效性评估(以承德市为试点),全球环境基金项目课题,结题,负责人

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8. 基于协同学和不确定系统分析的灌区水-能源-粮食协调发展评价与调控方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目,结题,负责人


1. Wang, S.P., Yang, P.,Tan, Q.*, Yao, L.L. Identification of optimal organic fertilizer subsidy policies under dual uncertainty via a self-calibrated fuzzy-boundary interval programmingmethod.Journal of Cleaner Production,2024, 438:140762.

2. Zhang, T.Y.,Tan, Q.*,Cai, Y.P.General equilibrium analysis of carbon tax policy on water-energy-food nexus efficiency. Energy,2024, 304: 132079.

3. Luo, W., Tian, H.L., Tan, W.X.,Tan,Q.*. Effect of hydrothermal-acid pretreatment on methane yield and microbial community in anaerobic digestion of rice straw. Bioresource Technology,2024, 402: 130765.

4. Ma, X., Yang, W.; Zhao, H.X.;Tan,Q.*. Effects of carbon to nitrogen ratio on nitrogen removal in a single-stage microaerobic system: A model-based evaluation. Journal of Environmental Management,2024, 359: 121007.

5. Zhao, H.X., Zhang, S.B., Yang, W., Xia, F.Y., Guo, H.J.,Tan, Q.*. Coupling and decoupling of soil carbon and nutrients cycles at different salinity levels in a mangrove wetland: Insights from CUE and enzymatic stoichiometry. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 922: 171039.

6. Zhang, T.Y.,Tan, Q.*,Cai, Y.P.,Hu, K.J.A copula-based inexact model for managing agricultural water-energy-food nexus under differentiated composite risks and dual uncertainties.Journal of Cleaner Production,2024, 434: 139707.

7. Yang, W.,Tan, Q.*, Zhao, H.X., Xia, F.Y., Li, C.B., Ma, X., Li, W. Eutrophication-driven infochemical dimethylsulfide accelerates carbon transfer in freshwater food chain. Journal of Environmental Management, 2024, 353: 120155.

8. Chen, Y.S., Yang, Z.L., Dong, J.W., Hong, N.,Tan, Q.*. Understanding phosphorus fractions and influential factors on urban road deposited sediments. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 921:170624.

9. Wang, S.P.,Tan, Q.*, Li, C.H., Zhang, S., Zhang, T.Y. Planning of best management practices for watershed-scale pollution control: A simulation-based inexact fractional programming approach. Journal of Hydrology, 2023, 617 (Part C): 129063.

10. Cao, Y.N., Ma, C.H., Yu, H.,Tan, Q.*, Dhankher, O.P., White, J.C., Xing, B.S. The role of sulfur nutrition in plant response to metal(loid) stress: Facilitating biofortification and phytoremediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 443 (Part B): 130283.

11. Huang, J.,Tan, Q.*, Zhang, T.Y., Wang, S.P. Energy-water nexus in low-carbon electric power systems: A simulation-based inexact optimization model. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 338: 117744.

12. Zhang, S., Cheng, G.H.,Tan, Q.*, Zhao, H., Zhang, T. An agro-hydrological process-based export coefficient model for estimating monthly non-point source loads in a semiarid agricultural area. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 385: 135519.

13. Ma, X.,Zhang, T.Y.,Xie, Y.L.,Tan, Q.*. A simulation-assessment-optimization approach towards energy self-sufficiency and carbon reduction in regional-scale sewage systems. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2022, 187: 106595.

14. Zhang, W.J., Huang, J, Zhang, T.Y.,Tan, Q.*. A risk-based stochastic model for supporting resources allocation of agricultural water-energy-food system under uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 2022, 610: 127864.

15. Cao, Y.N., Tong, R.,Tan, Q.*, Mo, S.Q., Ma, C.X., Chen, G.C. Flooding influences on the C, N and P stoichiometry in terrestrial ecosystems: A meta-analysis. Catena, 2022, 215: 106287.

16. Zhang, T.Y.,Tan, Q.*, Zhang, T., Yang, J., Wang, S.P. A nexus approach engaging water rights transfer for addressing water scarcity in energy and food production under uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 316: 115163.

17. Zhang, T.Y.,Tan, Q.*, Wang, S.P., Zhang, T., Hu, K.J., Zhang, S. Assessment and management of composite risk in irrigated agriculture under water-food-energy nexus and uncertainty. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 262: 107322.

18. Chen, S.Y., He, Y.H.,Tan, Q.*, Hu, K.J., Zhang, T.Y., Zhang, S. Comprehensive assessment of water environmental carrying capacity for sustainable watershed development. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 303: 114065.

19. Zhang, T.,Tan, Q.*, Zhan, S., Zhang, T.Y., Zhang, W.J. A participatory methodology for characterizing and prescribing water-energy-food nexus based on improved casual loop diagrams. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2021, 164: 105124.

20. Hu, K.J.,Tan, Q.*, Zhang, T.Y., Wang, S.P. Assessing technology portfolios of clean energy-driven desalination-irrigation systems with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 132: 109950.

21. Zhang, T.,Tan, Q.*, Yu, X.N., Zhan, S. Synergy assessment and optimization for water-energy-food nexus: Modeling and application. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 134: 110059.

22. Zhang, S.,Tan, Q.*, Cai, Y.P., Zhang, T., and Song, G. Mathematical analyses of ecological and economic tradeoffs in irrigated agriculture based on inexact optimization principles and hierarchical crop projections. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 69-84.

23. Tan, Q.*, Zhang, T.Y. Robust fractional programming approach for improving agricultural water-use efficiency under uncertainty. Journal of Hydrology, 2018, 564: 1110-1119.

24. 谭倩*,缑天宇,张田媛,李然,张珊.基于鲁棒规划方法的农业水资源多目标优化配置模型.水利学报, 2020, 51(1): 56-68.

25. 张田媛,谭倩*,王淑萍.北京市清水与再生水协同利用优化模型.环境科学, 2019, 4(7): 3223-3232.





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