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发布日期:2021-09-02    作者:     来源:广东工业大学环境生态工程研究院     点击:



夏琳琳,北京师范大学博士,广东工业大学“青年百人计划”A类引进人才。主要从事城市代谢、能源-碳循环-土地利用系统分析、城市生态规划与管理等方面的研究。Journal of Cleaner Production、Science of The Total Environment 等SCI期刊审稿人




2006. 9-2010. 7,中央民族大学,环境科学,获学士学位;

2010. 9-2016. 7,北京师范大学,环境科学,获博士学位。


2014. 11-2015. 1,南非自由州立大学,青年科学家;

2016. 8-2019. 9,暨南大学,环境学院,博士后;

2019. 11-至今,广东工业大学生态环境与资源学院,副教授、硕导。


1.第二届全国高校教师教学创新大赛广东省二等奖 (1/3);

2.第二届全国高校教师教学创新大赛校级特等奖 (1/3);












1.Jianfeng Wei, Linlin Xia*, Lei Chen, Yan Zhang, Zhifeng Yang, 2022. A network-based framework for characterizing urban carbon metabolism associated with land use changes: A case of Beijing city, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133695. (SCI/一区TOP/ IF=11.072)

2.Yuhan Ke, Linlin Xia*, Yingshan Huang, Shuer Li, Yan Zhang, Sai Liang, Zhifeng Yang, 2022. The carbon emissions related to the land-use changes from 2000 to 2015 in Shenzhen, China: Implication for exploring low-carbon development in megacities. Journal of Environmental Management, 319, 115660. (SCI/JCR1/IF=8.910)

3.Linlin Xia, Jianfeng Wei, Ruwei Wang*, Lei Chen, Yan Zhang, Zhifeng Yang, 2022. Exploring Potential Ways to Reduce the Carbon Emission Gap in an Urban Metabolic System: A Network Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(10), 5793. (SCI/三区/ IF=4.614)

4.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, Yingshan Huang, Jianfeng Wei, Arnab Banerjee, ZhifengYang, 2021. The application of spatially explicit networks to compare carbon flows: A case study in Beijing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production 281, 124694. (SCI/一区TOP/ IF=11.072)

5.Linlin Xia, Yang Liu, Xinjing Wang, Xin Tian*, Qiong Wu, Yan Zhang*, 2018. Spatial analysis of ecological relationships of urban carbon metabolism based on 18 nodes network model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170: 61-69. (SCI/ JCR 1区TOP/IF=11.072)

6.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, Qiong Wu, Lumeng Liu, 2017. undefinedysis of the ecological relationships of urban carbon metabolism based on the eight nodes spatial network model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140: 1644-1651. (SCI/ JCR 1区TOP/ IF=11.072)

7.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, 2019. An integrated analysis of input and output flows in an urban carbon metabolism using a spatially explicit network model. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-14. (SCI/ JCR 1区TOP/ IF=11.072)

8.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, Xiaoxi Sun, Jinjian Li, 2017. undefinedyzing the spatial pattern of carbon metabolism and its response to change of urban form. Ecological Modelling, 355: 105-115. (SCI/ JCR 3区/ IF=2.974)

9.Linlin Xia, Brian D. Fath, Ursula M. Scharler, Yan Zhang, 2015. Spatial variation in the ecological relationships among the components of Beijing’s carbon metabolic system. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI/JCR2区TOP/ IF=7.963)

10.Linlin Xia, Yan Zhang*, 2019. Hierarchical structure analysis of urban carbon metabolism: A case study of Beijing, China, Ecological Indicators, 107. (SCI/ JCR 2区/ IF=4.958)

11.Linlin Xia, Renzhi Liu, Yanwei Zao, 2012. Correlation undefinedysis of Landscape Pattern and Water Quality in Baiyangdian Watershed. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 13: 2188-2196.

12.Yan Zhang*,Linlin Xia, Brian D. Fath, Zhifeng Yang, Xinan Yin, Meirong Su, Gengyuan Liu, Yanxian Li, 2015. Development of a spatially explicit network model of urban metabolism and analysis of the distribution of ecological relationships: case study of Beijing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 1-14. (SCI/ JCR 1区TOP/ IF=11.072)

13. Yan Zhang*,Linlin Xia, Weining Xiang, 2014. undefinedyzing spatial patterns of urban carbon metabolism: A case study in Beijing, China. Landscape and Urban Planning, 130: 184-200. (SCI/ JCR 2区/ IF=6.142)

14.Chongjing Gao,LinlinXia, Chenchou Wu, Charles S. Wong, Ying Guo*, 2019. The effects of prosperity indices and land use indicators of an urban conurbation on the occurrence of hexabromocyclododecanes and tetrabromobisphenol A in surface soil in South China. Environmental Pollution, 252: 1810-1818. (SCI/ JCR 2区TOP/ IF=8.071)

15. Chongjing Gao,LinlinXia, Chenchou Wu, Huimin Shen, Ying Guo*, 2019. Hydroxylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soil in an emerging urban conurbation in South China. Science of The Total Environment, 692: 1250-1256. (SCI/ JCR 1区TOP/ IF=7.963)

16. Yan Zhang*, Juan Li, Brian D. Fath, Hongmei Zheng,Linlin Xia, 2015. undefinedysis of urban carbon metabolic processes and a description of sectoral characteristics: A case study of Beijing. Ecological Modelling, 316: 144-154. (SCI/ JCR 3区/2.974)

17.Jinjian Li, Xiaojie Meng, Yan Zhang*,Linlin Xia, Hongmei Zheng, 2015. undefinedysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of water quality in China’s major river basins, and trends between 2005 and 2010. Frontiers of Earth Science, 9(3): 463-472. (SCI/ JCR4区/2.031)

18. Ursula M.Scharler, Brian D. Fath, Arnab Banerjee, Delin Fang, Le Feng, Joyita Mukherjee,Linlin Xia, 2018. Resilience Measures in Ecosystems and Socioeconomic Networks. Systems undefinedysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges. (专著)

19.夏琳琳,魏建峰,杨琦玲,王儒威,2022.安徽燃煤电厂多环芳烃的历史排放量及影响因素分析.环境化学,41(08):2606-2613. (北大核心/CSCD/IF=1.873)

20.夏琳琳,刘仁志*,张珂, 2012.基于GIS的白洋淀流域景观格局对水质的影响研究,应用基础与工程科学学报, 20(S1): 87-95.

21.夏琳琳,张妍*,李名镜, 2017.城市碳代谢过程的研究进展,生态学报, 37 (12) : 4268-4277.

22.刘仁志*,夏琳琳, 2011.生态系统服务的量化与评估,测试技术学报, 25(2): 133-140.








