
​广东工业大学生态环境与资源学院 特聘副教授 硕导







2016.08-2020.05 美国夏威夷大学马诺阿分校,土木工程,获博士学位

2011.09-2014.07 清华大学,环境工程,获硕士学位

2007.08-2011.06 华中科技大学,环境工程,获学士学位








1. 美国自然科学基金, “Capturing Atmospheric CO2 via Water Electrolysis”, 2021-2023, 参与

2. AXA安盛研究基金, “Wastewater-based Epidemiology as a Neighborhood-scale Population Health Indicator in a Post-pandemic World”, 2021-2023, 参与

3. 世界水研究基金会, “Nitrogen Reduction Solutions for Ocean Discharges”, 2021-2022, 参与

4. 美国自然科学基金, “RAPID: Determine Community Disease Burden of COVID-19 by Probing Wastewater Microbiome”, 2020-2021, 参与

5. City and County of Honolulu, “Wastewater Testing for SARS-CoV-2 RNA for the City and County of Honolulu”, 2020-2020, 参与

6. 美国农业部, “Mitigating the Risk of Antibiotic Resistance at Critical Control Points in the Beef Cattle Manure Management Systems”, 2017-2021, 参与



§ 期刊论文

1.Bo Li, Doris Yoong Wen Di, Prakit Saingam, Min Ki Jeon, and Tao Yan* (2021). Fine-Scale Temporal Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 RNA Abundance in Wastewater during A COVID-19 Lockdown.Water Research, 197: 117093.

2.Bo Li*, Bruce J. Godfrey, Raymond RedCorn, Pieter Candry, Zhiwu Wang, Ramesh Goel, Mari-K. H. Winkler (2023). Mainstream Nitrogen Removal from Low Temperature and Low Ammonia Strength Municipal Wastewater using Hydrogel-encapsulated Comammox and Anammox.Water Research,242: 12303.

3.Bo Li, Xu Li, Bing Wang, and Tao Yan* (2022). Metagenomic Approach for Characterizing Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Specific Bacterial Populations: Demonstration withEscherichia coliin Cattle Manure.Applied and Environmental Microbiology,88(7): e02554-21.

4.Bo Li, Xu Li and Tao Yan* (2021). Quantitative Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing (qmNGS) for High-throughput Gene Quantification.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87(16): e00871-21.

5.Bo Li, Min Ki Jeon, Xu Li, Tao Yan* (2022). Differential Impacts of Salinity on Antibiotic Resistance Genes During Cattle Manure Stockpiling Are Linked to Mobility Potentials Revealed by Metagenomic Sequencing.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 455: 130590.

6. Prakit Saingama+,*,Bo Li+, Bao Nguyen Quoca,, Tanisha Jaina, Andrew Bryanb, Mari K. H. Winkler (2022). Wastewater Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 at Intra-City Level Demonstrated High Resolution in Tracking COVID-19 and Calibration Using Chemical Indicators.Science of the Total Environment,866: 161467.

7.Bo Li*, Bruce J. Godfrey, Raymond RedCorn, Zhiwu Wang, Ramesh Goel, Mari-K.H. Winkler (2023). Simultaneous anaerobic carbon and nitrogen removal from primary municipal wastewater with hydrogel encapsulated anaerobic digestion sludge and AOA-anammox coated hollow fiber membrane.Science of The Total Environment, 883: 163696.

8. Bruce Godfrey+,Bo Li+,*, Ekaterina Gottshall, Samuel Brysons, Britt Abrahamson, Mari Winkler (2023). Co-immobilization of AOA Strains with Anammox Bacteria in Three Different Synthetic Bio-granules Maintained under Two Substrate-level Conditions.Chemosphere, 342: 140192.

9.Bo Li, Xingnan Li, Prakit Saingam, and Tao Yan* (2023). Microbiological Quality of Drinking Water at the Point of Consumption Revealed by Citizen Science.ACS ES&T Water, 3 (8): 2691-2699.

10.Bo Liand Tao Yan* (2021). Next Generation Sequencing Reveals Limitation of qPCR Methods in Quantifying Emerging Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in Environment.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105: 2925–2936.

11.Bo Li, Prakit Saingam, Satoshi Ishii and Tao Yan* (2019). Multiplex PCR coupled with direct amplicon sequencing for simultaneous detection of numerous waterborne pathogens.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103(2): 953-961.

12.Bo Li, Zeng Chen, Fan Zhang, Yongqin Liu, and Tao Yan* (2020). Abundance, Diversity and Mobility Potential of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Pristine Tibetan Plateau Soil as Revealed by Soil metagenomics.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96(10): fiaa172.

13.Bo Li, Dan Wang, Mingyuan Li, Jie Wei and Guangxue Wu* (2016). Technical Performance and Environmental Effects of the Treated Effluent of Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Shenzhen Bay Catchment, China.Sustainability, 8(10): 984.

14.Bo Liand Guangxue Wu (2014). Effects of sludge retention times on nutrient removal and nitrous oxide emission in biological nutrient removal processes.International journal of environmental research and public health, 11(4): 3553-3569.

15. Prakit Saingam, Tanisha Jain, Addie Woicik,Bo Li, Pieter Candry, Raymond Redcorn, Sheng Wang, Jonathan Himmelfarb, Andrew Bryan, and Mari KH Winkler (2024). Integrating Socio-Economic Vulnerability Factors Improves Neighborhood-Scale Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for Public Health Applications.Water Research, 254: 121415.

16. Doris Yoong Wen Di,Bo Li, Min Ki Jeon, Tao Yan* (2023). Comparing Solid-Based Concentration Methods for Rapid and Efficient Recovery of SARS-CoV-2 for Wastewater Surveillance.Journal of Virological Methods, 320(4): 114790.

17. Min Ki Jeon,Bo Li, Doris Yoong Wen Di, and Tao Yan* (2023). Prewhitening and normalization help detect a strong cross-correlation between daily wastewater SARS-CoV-RNA abundance and COVID-19 cases in a community.Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 9: 1403-1412.

18. Ekaterina Y. Gottshall*, Bruce Godfrey,Bo Li, Britt Abrahamson, Wei Qin, Mari Winkler (2022). Photoinhibition of Comammox Reaction inNitrospira Inopinatain a Dose- and Wavelength-Dependent Manner. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13: 1022899.

19. Tianle Li,Bo Li, Yuepeng Sun*, and Guangxue Wu (2022). Insights into the Effect of Sludge Retention Times on System Performance, Microbial Structure and Quorum Sensing in an Activated Sludge Bioreactor.Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233(7): 1-12.

20. Qidong Yin, Yuepeng Sun,Bo Li, Zhaolu Feng, Guangxue Wu (2022). The r/K selection theory and its application in biological wastewater treatment processes.Science of the Total Environment,824: 153836.

21. Anndee Huff Chester, Christopher Gordon, Heather A. Hartmann, Stephen E. Bartell, Emmanuel Ansah, Tao Yan,Bo Li, Nfamara K. Dampha, Paul L. Edmiston, Paige J. Novak, Heiko L. Schoenfuss (2022). Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Lower Volta River, Ghana, West Africa: The Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Urban Development Nexus.Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 41(2): 369-381.

22. Prakit Saingam,Bo Li, Shihwu Sung and Tao Yan* (2021). Immediate Impact of Hurricane Lane on Microbiological Quality of Coastal Water in Hilo Bay, Hawaii.Environmental Science & Technology, 55(5): 2960–2967.

23. Prakit Saingam,Bo Li, and Tao Yan* (2020). Fecal indicator bacteria, direct pathogen detection, and microbial community analysis provide different microbiological water quality assessment of a tropical urban marine estuary.Water Research, 185: 116280.

24. Prakit Saingam,Bo Li, Tao Yan* (2018). Use of amplicon sequencing to improve sensitivity in PCR-based detection of microbial pathogen in environmental samples.Journal of Microbiological Methods, 149: 73-79.

25. Qidong Yin, Jia Miao,Bo Liand Guangxue Wu* (2017). Enhancing electron transfer by ferroferric oxide during the anaerobic treatment of synthetic wastewater with mixed organic carbon.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 119: 104-110.

26. Qidong Yin, Zhenhu Hu, Yuepeng Sun,Bo Li, Guangxue Wu* (2017). Effect of the dosage of ferroferric oxide on batch anaerobic treatment of high strengthen synthetic wastewater.Desalination and Water Treatment, 91: 152-158.

27. Guangxue Wu, Xiao Feng Zhai,Bo Li, Chengai Jiang and Yuntao Guan (2014). Endogenous nitrous oxide emission for denitrifiers acclimated with different organic carbons.Procedia Environmental Sciences, 21: 26-32.

27.李波, 吴光学, 胡洪营, 吴毅晖, 郭昉, & 郭玉梅. (2014). 昆明市污水处理厂运行综合评价. 环境工程学报, 10: 4175-4182.

28.李波, 吴光学, 孙迎雪, 胡洪营, 吴毅晖, 郭昉, & 郭玉梅. (2012). 昆明市第七污水处理厂 A~ 2O 工艺脱氮除磷运行性能分析. 第七届中国城镇水务发展国际研讨会论文集--S05: 污水处理和污泥处理处置.

29. 吴光学,李波, 王火青, & 管运涛. (2015). 碳源对反硝化过程中一氧化二氮释放的影响. 环境科学与技术, 38(9): 36-41.

30. 辛立伟,李波, 吴光学, 邬甘霖, 廖群, & 郭克新. (2017). 曝气沉砂池除砂效果的影响因素. 净水技术, 36(8): 13-19.

31. 郭昉, 吴毅晖,李波, 李志平, 周平, & 吴光学. (2017). 我国城镇污水处理厂节能降耗研究现状及发展趋势. 水处理技术, 43(6): 1-4.

32. 时运红, 李明远,李波, 魏杰, & 吴光学. (2017). 深圳湾沉积物重金属污染时空分布特征. 海洋环境科学, 36(2): 186-191.

§ 国际专利

1. Mari-Karoliina Winkler, Bruce Godfrey,Bo Li. Wastewater Treatment devices, systems, and methods. 63/385,182.

§ 著作章节

1. 2023,Metagenomic Next Generation Sequencing for Studying Antibiotic Resistance Genes in the Environment. Advances in Applied Microbiology, Academic Press.

2. 2023,The Water Professional’s Guide to Infectious Disease Outbreaks. Water Environment Federation

3. 2018,Greenhouse Gas Emission and Mitigation in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants. IWA Publishing






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